

This page serves as a static list of and repository for my older publications, written and published between 1996 and 2008. Everything more recent is in my blog.


Ordered by thematic focus, date
(almost complete):

Open Source as a social principle
Media Environments
Theories of Socio-Technologies

Identity & Privacy
<+> Electronic Money  (archive)
<8> Commentaries, reviews and other essays

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Open Source as Social Principle

Open Source is often thought of as a licensing scheme for software, most famously the General Public License (GPL). However, open source can also be thought of as an approach to organizing collaboration over the Internet, an all sorts of content, not just software. I'm particularly interested how "commons-based peer production" (Y. Benkler) is developing in cultural areas, and the political and economic tensions this produces.


<=> Geistiges Eigentum, Zur Kritik an der Aneignung kultureller Produktion.
Vortrag, IWK, Wien, 27.04.2007
<=> Kunstfreiheut Reloaded (german or english translation)
Springerin 2/07
<=> Torrents of Desire (12.2006)
Paper for World-Information.org, Basel on a talk at the Sensor-Census-Censor: International Colloquium at Sarai-CSDS on Information, Society, History, Politics. Sarai-CSDC, Delhi, 30-11.-02.12.2006
<=> Scan on Open (Collaborative) Content Projects in Non-Western Countries (.pdf Final Report release: 09.2006, 400k) 
Research Project funded by the Open Society Institute, Information Program
<=> Kunstfreiheit.ch
(mit Annette Schindler) in: Kulturisse, 04/2006
<=> Neue Formen der Öffentlichkeit und kulturellen Innovation zwischen Copyleft, Creative Commons und Public Domain.
In: Hoffmann, Jeanette (Hrsg.). Wissen und Eigentum. Geschichte, Recht und Ökonomie stoffloser Güter. Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Schriftenreihe, Band 552, Bonn 2006
<=> Less is More. Innovation statt Verbote. (audio stream, German)
Presentation at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), ETH Zürich, July 7, 2006
<=> Open Source Projects as Voluntary Hierarchies (Book Review)
Global Media and Communication, Vol 2(2) Summer, 2006
<=> On the Differences between Open Source and Open Culture
In: Media Mutandis: a NODE.London Reader, (March 2006)
<=> World Information City. Special Issue of the World Information Newspaper (full paper .pdf)
Bangalore, India, Nov. 2005
<=> Open Source Intelligence (dictionary article, in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese)
In: Alain Ambrosi, Valérie Peugeot et Daniel Pimienta. Word Matters : Multicultural perspectives on information societies. C&F Editions. Caen (November 2005)
<=> Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks.
A bi-lingual (English/Serbian) collection of essays by Felix Stalder, edited by Kuda.org, published by Futura publikacije, Novi Sad and Revolver - Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, Frankfurt a.M. (October 2005)
<=> Kampf um die Wissensgesellschaft
WochenZeitung, Zürich, 13.10.2005
<=> A Tale of Two Galaxies
Presentation at Plug-in, Basel. 10.02.2005 (slides, in German)

The Terror of Intellectual Property: The Case against the Critical Art Ensemble
Springerin, (03/04) (translated to German)

<=> Kompensation ohne Kontrolle (in German)
Kompensation oder Kontrolle? Die Musikindustrie nach der MP3-Revolution.  Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung Berlin 29. 11. 04
<=> A 'licensing fee' for GNU/LInux?
Posted to nettime (06.08.2004). With follow-ups, leading to a revised version. The initial version was translated into Italian.
<=> Thematic Issue "Open" of the Journal Media/Culture
co-editor with McKenzie Wark (Juli 2004)

<=> Die Kultur im digitalen Käfig
Tagesanzeiger, Zürich, 24.02.2004

Alternative Compensation Systems (in German)
Slides to a presentation at the "DRM und Alternativen", Humbold Universität zu Berlin, Jan 30/31, 2004
Press review of the presentation is here (in German), of the whole conference, with discussion of ACS here and here (in German)
<=> Special Issue IP Issue of the World-Information Newspaper
World Summit of the Information Society, Geneva 10-12.12.2003

<=> One-size-doesn't-fit-all: Particulars of the Volunteer Open Source Development Methodology
Make World Newspaper #3, Sept.11, 2003, Italian translation
<=> The Other Side of IP: Information Commons
Lecture at the ICT Policy Training Programme, Budapest, 21.08.2003
<=> Open Source as a Social Principle.
Talk in Novi Sad, July 2003
<=> Conference: OpenCultures: Free Flows of Information and the Politics of the Commons
(Vienna, June 5&6, 2003)
<=> Wem gehört die Kultur der Zukunft?
Kulturrisse 02|03, June 2003
<=> Wikipedia: wie sich eine Encyclopaedie selbst verfasst.
Article for Tagesanzeiger, Zurich, Feb. 14. 2003
<=> Zwischen Kontrolle und Freiheit (.ppt)
Talk at Digitaler Salon, Media Arts Academy, Zurich, 16.01.2003
<=> The Social Dynamic of Free Content (.ppt)
Talk at the World-Information.org Conference, Amsterdam Dec. 12.2002. This talked is also available as video stream (real media)
<=> Culture Without Commodities:From Dada to Open Source and Beyond
Essay for the Kingdom of Piracy Project, Ars Electronica 2002

Open Source Intelligence
With Jesse Hirsh, FirstMonday, Vol. 7, Issue 6 (June 2002)
This article has been translated into French, Croation, and Portuguese.
<=> No Sharing Allowed
shift magazine, December 2001
<=> Panel on Open_Money @ Wizards of OS, Berlin Oct. 11-13, 2001
<=> Internet Backlash
Telepolis (August 28. 2001) English version, German version
<=> Hacking away at patents
Mute Magazine, July, August 2001
<=> Sharing and hoarding: Are the digital commons tragic?
Telepolis [August 26, 2000] English version, German version
<=> Open Source, Open Society?
Talk given in Toronto, Nov. 1999

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Media Environments

A more McLuhanesque interest of mine are media-related properties of electronic spaces. If the medium is the message, what is the message of computer networks? Media have biases which make certain things easier and others more difficult. They exercise a profound impact on what is being communicated through them. Of course they don't determine but definitely shape the content. They relegate certain things to the background, while drawing others to the fore.

Here, the redefinition of space is of particular interest to me. Manuel Castells coined the term "space of flows" for a new kind of space which enables real-time interaction without physical proximity. This is creating new types of social spaces, impacting on the physical spaces as we know them, in a pattern of simultaneous fragmentation (based on locality) and re-integration (based on function).

<*> Our New Public Life. (pdf)
Gerfried Stocker / Christine Schöpf (Hrsg.): Goodbye Privacy. Katalog zur Ars Electronica 2007, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag
<*> Turbulent Spaces of Fragments and Flows
Sarai Reader 06, Turbulence. Sarai Dehli, 2006
<*> Manuel Castells and the Theory of the Network Society. Polity Press, 2006
First comprehensive critical review of Castells's theory of the network society.
<*> Fragmented Places and Open Societies
Published in the exhibition catalogue to "Open Nature",  ICC Tokyo, April 29 - July 3, 2005
<*> Transeuropean Picnic
posted to nettime, May 3, 2004
<*> Title in Chinese
(Translation of The Network Paradigm: Social Formations in the Age of Information (local copy), by Liu Wei, 09.20003. Foreign Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Bejing
Space of Flows: Characteristics and Strategies
[Talk, slightly revised, given at the Doors of Perception conference (http:/ flow.doorsofperception.com), Amsterdam, November 14-16, 2002]
A revised version, with proper references, is available and still seeks a good publisher
The Culture of Conduits
Essay written for the "zones" show by Thomas Kneubühler: (11.16-12.14.2002) at Observatoire 4 de Montréal
The Culture of Broadband
Mute, Issue 24, May 2002
<*> Datenströme und Knoten. Charakteristiken der neuen Medienumgebung (übersetzt von Roland Voullié). In: Stefen Iglhaut; Martin Roth, Peter Weibel (Hrsg). Hyperorganismen. Internationalismus Verlag, Berlin. 2001 pp. 345-353

In den Fängen der Netzwerkgesellschaft
(review of the German edition of Castells' trilogy)
Tagesanzeiger, 8.10.2001


The Space of Flows
Invited Talk at: c I T y: reload or shutdown?
5th International PlaNet Congress Paris, August 26th - September 1st 2001

<*> Flows and nodes: The financial markets as new media environment. (pdf)
The Convergence: Journal for Research into New Media Technologies (Vol.7/No.3) 2001
<*> Viruses on the Internet: Monoculture breeds parasites
Telepolis [May 10, 2000] English version, German version
<*> Turning Tides: Reading the Hotmail hack
Telepolis, [Sept. 2, 1999]. English version, German version

Global Financial Markets and the Bias of Networks (1999)
Readme! Ascii Culture and the Revenge of Knowledge.New York: Autonomedia. 1999, pp. 104-110

<*> Internet Retrograde: The Rise of Infomercials
Published by Gallery 9/Walker Art Center for "AIRWORLD" by Jennifer and Kevin McCoy [August 1999]
<*> The Network Paradigm: Social Formations in the Age of Information (local copy)
The Information Society (December 1998) This text has also been translated into Dutch.
<*> The Logic of Networks: Social Landscapes vis-a-vis the Space of Flows
CTheory (February 1998)
<*> The Nature of Financial Networks (1997)
<*> The Political Economy of Financial Networks (1997)
<*> Coming Round Full Circle: The Financial Markets as Pop Events
Nettime (October, 1997)
<*> New Environment--Old Story
Talk at the Local Knowledge / Global Wisdom Conference (1997)
<*> Information Ecology (1997)


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Theories of Socio-Technologies

One of the principle difficulties in understanding -- and acting in -- the current social transformation is that we tend to think of society and technology as two different things, rather than as different manifestations of, and actors in, the same heterogeneous dynamics. The challenge, then, is to find conceptual tools that allows us to see social and technological actors within the same frame of reference.


Excess of Control, Review of Lawrence Lessig's Future of Ideas (2001)
Telepolis, Jan 8th, 2002 German version (March 4, 2002)
An expanded version of this essay is published in Information, Communication and Society, 5,3 (fall).


Beyond constructivism: towards a realistic realism. A review of Bruno Latour's Pandora's Hope.
The Information Society 16:3, 2000

<#> Andrew Shapiro: The Control Revolution (Review)
Computers & Society Vol.29, No. 4 (Dec. 1999)
<#> Fluid Objects: Reconfiguring Money and the Limits of Actor-Network Theory
A paper given at the Sociality/Materiality conference, Brunel University, UK, Sept. 9-11, 1999
<#> From Figure / Ground to Actor-Networks: McLuhan and Latour
Paper given at the Many Dimensions: The Extensions of Marshall McLuhan Conference, Toronto,
23-25 October, 1998
<#> Review: The Religion of Technology: The Divinity of Man and the Spirit of Invention.
By D. F. Noble. Canadian Journal of Communication (Vol.24, No.1)

Actor-Network Theory and Communication Networks (1997)
This text has been translated into Danish by Peter V. H¿jgaard Jensen (April 2001).



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Identity & Privacy

New ways of communicating brings about new ways of how we, individually but also collective, can assert our identity. It also brings with it new ways in which identities can be imposed by powerful institutions. The jury is still out of whether identity has become more fluid, or whether surveillance and profiling are increasing. Perhaps both at the same time. Be is as it may, "privacy" is still one of the few issues available to raise normative question in a way that carries at least some political weight. 

Note: Some of the articles that might go into this section are located in the "Media Environments" section.


<?> Privacy and Identity in the Electronic Environment
Talk in Novi Sad, July 2003
<?> Privacy is not the antidode to Surveillance
Surveillance and Society (September 2002)
<?> The Voiding of Privacy
Sociological Research Online Vol.7. No.2 (September 2002)
Republished in k.u.u.g.e.l-Kollektiv (Eds): ReControl: Versuche zur Ueberwachung. Triton-Verlag, Wien, 2003, pp.39-61
<?> Electronic Identity Cards and Social Classification
Felix Stalder, David Lyons in: Lyons, David (ed). Surveillance as Social Sorting: Privacy, Risk and Automated Discrimination. Routledge (Winter 2002)
<?> CPSR: National Identification Schemes (NIDS) and the Fight against Terrorism: FAQ
co-author, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibilities, December 2001

Identification cards no solution
(with David Lyon), Toronto Star, 31.10.2001

<?> Digital Identities - Patterns in Information Flows
Talk given at the Intermedia Department, Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest
February 22 & 23, 2000 [Version July 2000]
<?> Software Agents: Privacy Invasion vs. Privacy Protection
Bullet point overview sheet for Persona Project [April 2000]
<?> Informational identity: from analog to digital
published in the Romanian Magazine Korunk [April 2000], Hungarian translation here.
<?> The Toy War Escalates
Telepolis (Dec.13, 1999)
<?> Toy Wars
Telepolis (Dec. 6,1999)
<?> The End of Privacy as Triumph of Neoliberalism
Telepolis (May 12, 1999) in English & German
<?> Digital Identities and Smart Cards
Nettime (March, 1998)


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Electronic Money

Money is not a stable fixed entity, as economists would have it. Rather, it's a complex artifact, made by people to facilitate exchanges among themselves. It's a medium of communication, similar to writing. The development of writing and money are closely related. Money, after all, is primarily a way of keeping track of value flows. Historically, it has taken on a wide variety of forms, each specific to the characteristics of the exchanges that it represented. All like artifacts, once established, money can take on a life of its own, becoming one of the forces of social transformations-- for the better or the worse -- in its own right.

Money, being social and material at the same time, is a great locus to investigate the relationships between social and technological dynamics. The tensions produced by the introduction of new types of money are highly indicative for the direction and quality of the ongoing social transformation centering. Focusing on artifacts does not imply a technological determinism, but it offers a precise locus for a truly transdisciplinary approach to contemporary reality.

[NOTE: This research area is no longer continued. I leave the texts here for archival purposes]

<+> Failures and successes: Notes on the development of electronic cash
The Information Society, 2002 (18:3)
<+> Making Money: Notes on Technology as Environment
Ph.D. Thesis, June 2001

Exploring Policy Issues of Electronic Cash: The Mondex Case
Canadian Journal of Communication Vol.24, No.2 (1999)

<+> Beyond Portals and Gifts: Towards a Bottom-Up Net-Economy
First Monday (January 1999)
<+> Mondex in Guelph: Problems of Implementation
E-Money Vol.1 No.7 (November, 1998)
<+> DigiCash: Learning from Failure
(November, 1998)
<+> Electronic Money: Preparing the Stage (1997)


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Commentaries, Reviews and other Texts

<8> Unsichtbare Öffentlichkeiten in Knowbotic Researchs „Sei bereit! Tiger!“
Katalog Festival Akzente, Duisburg, June 2006
<8> Von Künstlern und Skifahrern: Der Skandal um Hirschhorns "Swiss-Swiss Democracy"
Kulturrisse (1/05) und Springerin (1/05)
<8> Wenn Anwälte über Kunst sprechen
Tages-Anzeiger, Zürich, 18.11.2004
<8> Nikeplatz in Wien
Tages-Anzeiger, Zürich, 22.10.2003
<8> Voyage au bout de l'image
Katalogtext, 10.2003
<8> The Age of Media Autonomy
Mute, # 26, June 2003
<8> Silver Lining on the Digital Horizon
Telepolis, (March 19, 2002) English & German version
<8> Coordinates of connectivity
xcult.org (Feb. 1st, 2002)
<8> The End of an Era: the Internet hits ground
Telepolis (Jan. 20, 2001) English version, German version
<8> Ray Kurzweil: In the Age of Spiritual Machines.
Computers & Society Vol.30, No. 4 (Dec. 2000)
<8> The Ideology of Immateriality
Tulipomania.com conference, Amsterdam, Frankfurt a.M. (June 2-4, 2000)
<8> A historical perspective on AOL Time Warner in 30 seconds
Nettime (Jan. 12, 2000)
<8> The Midnight Sun of AOL Time Warner
Telepolis (Jan.11, 2000), German version
<8> Challenging the WTO online: rTmark's WTO site
Telepolis (Nov.18,1999) English version, German version
<8> Fences in Cyberspace: Recent events in the battle over domain names.
Telepolis (Nov.17, 1999) English version, German version
<8> Natural Selection and the New Economy: Online auction for superior genes
Nettime (Oct.28, 1999) and Thing Reviews
<8> Ignacio Ramonet: The Geopolitics of Chaos (Book Review)
Computers & Society Vol.29, No.2 (June 1999)
<8> George Soros: The Crisis of Global Capitalism (Book Review)
Written for Telepolis (March 1999)
<8> Baudrillard: Contemporary Art is Worthless
Co-written with Corinna Ghaznavi for LOLA, a Toronto-based independent art magazine. (February, 1998)
<8> What Does Technology Do
Nettime (December, 1997)
<8> The Generous Pusher, or, Understanding Kelly's Law of Generosity
Rewired (December 10, 1997)
<8> Digital Garden, a Review
Things Reviews, (Dec. 02.1996)
<8> Crash by David Cronenberg, a review
Thing Review, (Oct. 10.1996)

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If you need my mailing address, please contact me via email.

felix AT openflows.com

And here's a picture of me.

Last Updated: April.30.2008