Fragmented Places
and Open Societies
Felix Stalder, April
Published in the catalogue of the exhibition "Open Nature", ICC Tokio, April 29 - July 3, 2005
Human life unfolds simultaneously in three environments, biological,
built, and informational. Analytically, they can be distinguished, but
in practice they are inseparable. The way we construct our houses
reflects as much our bodily as our cultural determination. The
relationship among these environments, however, is unstable. They
mirror and penetrate each other in historically specific ways. Much of
the turmoil of our present period can be understood in terms of a
realignment of these three environments, driven by a profound expansion
of our cultural capacities as information technology is expanding into
an all-connecting internet. In the following, I will to look at
how physical space is affected by this process and the challenges this
poses to the future of society as an open political system.
Time and space are the fundamental dimensions of human action. One way
of reading historical development is as an acceleration and expansion
of society (interrupted by periods of deceleration and contraction). We
learned, over time, to manage more space in less time. Technology
played a major enabling role in this 'time-space compression'. Cities
grew into metropolises, a world economy emerged, the whole planet
became interconnected from the 17th century onwards, in close
relationship with advances in communication, transportation, and, not
to forget, accounting. As profound as this development has been, it did
not touch the basic definition and characteristics of space. Following
Manuel Castells, we can define space as the material basis of
time-sharing. In order to interact in real-time, one has to be in the
same space which has always been a single place. Space, then, could be
thought of as a series of places. One next to the other. Indeed,
time-space compression meant that the relative distance between places
was shrinking, yet their relationship remained characterized by just
that, a distance which always expressed itself as a time lag in
interaction. The assumption that entities which are in closer proximity
can interact more quickly and that the time lag grows linearly with
distance remained basically correct, despite the capacity to span time
and space more extensively, quickly and reliably. Some time in the
1980s, this changed. The quantitative development of acceleration
reached its limit. Yet, rather than space disappearing, which some
postmodernists predicted as the 'terminal condition', what we
have been witnessing is the emergence of an entirely new kind of space,
aptly termed the space of flows by Castells, the first and still most
perceptive analyst of this historical discontinuity.
The concept of the space of flows points to the emergence of a new
material basis for time-sharing based on instantaneous electronic
information flows. This has been long in the making, starting with the
telegraph in the mid 19th century. Its real foundations, however, were
laid in the 1970s when the development of the micro-processor coincided
with capitalist firms restructuring themselves in order to escape a
deep economic crisis. This created the push and the pull to incorporate
into social institutions technology capable of generating and
processing information flows. The space of flows expanded massively. In
the process, the physical environment in which these institutions
operated became restructured, too, by the logic of the space of flows.
They key to this logic is that it is placeless, even if its physical
components, quite obviously, remain place-based. Even a data-center is
located somewhere. And the people who operate it have their homes
somewhere as well. It is therefore not a co-incidence that the major
financial centers are still located in New York, London, and Tokyo, yet
the dynamics of the global financial markets can not be explained with
reference to these places. The same logic also infuses production of,
say, clothing. Designed in Northern Italy, produced in Sri Lanka,
marketed in New York, it is sold around the world in franchise stores
which are locally managed, but globally controlled. What is emerging is
a new social geography, highly dynamic and variable, which is no longer
based on physical proximity, but on logical integration of functional
units, including people and buildings, through the space of flows. The
physical location of the various units is determined by the unequal
ability of different places to contribute to the programs embedded in
the various network. Whether production is located in China, Sri Lanka,
or Bulgaria is, from the point of view of the overall operation,
irrelevant, as long as the factory is capable of providing the required
services competitively. In short, the connection between functional and
physical distance has been broken. Yet, this is not the death of
distance. Rather, it is being reconfigured into a non-linear pattern.
Thus, we have certain areas within, say, Sofia, whose developmental
trajectory does not follow that of Bulgaria as a whole, but is
determined by other free trade zones in emerging economies. Indeed, the
very concept of free trade zone indicates that certain locales have
been decoupled from their geographic environment. In a legally binding
way, they are governed by a different set of rules than their 'host
countries'. This, in itself, is not entirely new. Shipping harbors have
always enjoyed certain exemptions from taxation, a freedom granted to
stimulate trade and commerce. Yet, traditionally, these pockets of
extra-territoriality have been located at the borders of territories,
facilitating the transition between them. Now, these zones are
sprinkled across territories, severely undermining national sovereignty
and territorial integrity. This has been the stories of early 1990s,
the result of commercially driven globalization. Fast forward to today.
The ability to operate translocally in real-time has diffused through
society at large, though quite unequally. Small firms, criminal
organizations, social movements, and even individual people can network
globally with relative ease. Thus, more and more places on which the
social actors in these networks rely, are becoming decoupled from their
local environments and determined by translocal flows of people, goods,
money, and culture. These networks are highly specific. For one, they
can easily adapt their components as changing demands or self-selected
goals require. Thus, they only need to cooperate with those who match
their own shared culture. Second, cultural specificity is not an
option, but a functional requirement for networked organizations.
Relying on adaption and cooperation, rather than command and control,
they need to establish a distinct internal culture in order to build
trust and facilitate communication. Corporate mergers, apparently, fail
so often because the managers cannot fashion a new 'corporate culture'
out of the two existing ones. In the process, the cultural
differentiation between the networks is growing. From within the
network, this appears as a process of integration and 'community' or
'team' building. From the point of view of physical space, which none
of the network actors ever escapes, this appears as a process of
fragmentation and of increasing isolation of social actors from
one another, despite the fact that they might share the same physical
space. This process has advanced to such a degree that it applies to
the highly connected as well as to the disconnected. In fact, the two
groups mirror each other. In many ways, people are not 'more connected'
than before, but rather, the connections which characterized dominant
processes (even within the counter-culture) are increasingly made and
maintained in the space of flows. The flip side of this ability to
forge translocal connections is that those connections made in the
space of places are becoming weakened. There is no need to relate to
others just because they are physically present. Rather, places (and
people) can be bypassed, rendered invisible from the point of view of
those operating through the space of flows. This new form of exclusion
applies to whole regions, but also to particular neighborhoods. It
works on all scales.
In cities, this expresses itself through the twin processes of
global homogenization and local diversification. We have a
McDonald's in virtually every city of the planet. Yet, increasingly,
there is no way to predict what will be located right next to it. On
the ground, the many globals and locals mix in seemingly random ways.
The result is a kind of a patchwork of cultures and their physical
expressions jumbled together in agglomerations, sprawling metropolitan
regions held together by fast transportation networks. These regions
emerge without much planning, often they don't even have same (or, how
are we to call the region, which can be traversed in either direction
within a few hours, comprising London, Paris and Amsterdam). The people
who life on, or travel between, these patches – the connected as well
as the disconnected – are, quite naturally, building their own cultures
that enable them to deal with this new fragmented reality, increasingly
without reference to the geographic place as whole. Consequently, the
focus of this new 'community' or network-centric culture lies on
internal, rather than on external communication. Community-building
becomes an end, rather than a means, to the degree that 'community' is
one of the few concepts that is virtually always positively connoted.
This situation poses a great challenge to the projects of 'open
societies', understood simply as political system in which those in
power are accountable for their actions to the public and the
fundamental rights of all individuals are respected. Historically, the
institutional foundation for open societies have been liberal
democracies. These are built on the assumption that people who live in
one territory share certain values, or, at least, certain experiences.
This communality is the glue that holds together the body politic. It
served as the ultimate frame of reference in the endless game of
compromises that characterizes the open political processes. This
communality, however, is eroding as space fragments. Contributing to
this erosion is the retreat of the state from the life of citizens,
leaving them to fend for themselves. Thus people migrate –
sometimes voluntarily, sometimes forced – into new communities, making
them increasingly unresponsive for compromise and consensus without
which liberal democracies do not work.
This is where we stand today. At the precise moment when democracy has
established itself as the only legitimate form of government world
wide, its actual institutions face a deep crisis. There are two trends
which can be understood as a reaction to this crisis. One is the
reemergence of authoritarianism, which does away with compromise and
consensus, justifying its power with reference to security instead. It
operates across fragmented spaces, indeed, the ability to selectively
alter the rules governing particular places is a key technique of this
new form of power. Its most extreme case is the zone outside the law
established in Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. But also more mundanely,
special administrative zones where civil liberties are curtailed – in
regards to drinking, assembly or just the presence of 'suspects', say,
around schools – are multiplying in cities around the world. Within
these zones, which can spring up anywhere, the state of exception is
being made permanent. This tendency severely undermines the openness of
society by deepening fragmentation in the service of power. The other,
more hopeful and difficult, reaction to the crisis of the democratic
practices aims at reinventing the local. This time not from the point
of view of territorial and cultural unity, but as a ground on which
differences can be negotiated. What is needed are cultural codes that
can not only circulate within particular networks, but that can travel
across all of them. A renewal of fundamental rights could serve as a
starting point for this project to reinvent democracy in the space of
places, using the space of flows to expand the range of cultural
expression, rather than diminishing it.
Further reading:
Agamben, Giorgio (2005). State of
Exception (trans: Kevin Attell).
Chicago, University of Chicago Press
Bateson, Gregory (1972). Steps to an
Ecology of Mind. New York,
Ballentine Books
Castells, Manuel (2000). The Rise of
the Network Society, The
Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Vol. I (second
Oxford, Blackwell
DeLanda, Manuel (1997). A Thousand
Years of Nonlinear History. New
York, Swerve
Hardt, Michael; Negri Antonio (2004). Multitude:
War and Democracy in
the Age of Empire. New York, Penguin Press
Harvey, David (1989). The Condition
of Postmodernity: An Inquiry into
the Origins of Cultural Change. Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishers
Innis, Harold, A. (1950). Empire and
Communications. Oxford, Clarendon
McLuhan, Marshall; McLuhan, Eric (1988). Laws of Media: The New
Science. Toronto, University of Toronto Press
Virilio, Paul (1995). Speed and Information: Cyberspace Alarm! CTheory
(August, 27)
Wills, John E. Jr. (2001). 1688. A
Global History. New York, W.W. Norton
This text benefited from comments by Christian Hübler and
Armin Medosch.