02.06.2015 net:25 | net:future (Wien)

25 Jahre Internet in Österreich

Dienstag, 2. Juni 2015, Festsaal der Universität Wien

Wenn wir einen Blick in die net:future wagen, wohin entwickelt sich die digitale Technologie der nächsten 20 Jahre? Wird sich der Trend, immer und überall „hyperconnected" zu sein weiter fortsetzen? Welche Daten und welche Maschinen werden in Zukunft unser Leben und unsere sozialen Interaktionen positiv beeinflussen? Wird sich unser persönliches Verhältnis und unsere Einstellung zur Technologie verändern und wenn ja, wie gehen wir damit um?

27.03.2015 Reina Sofia (Madrid)

Open Source. The Art System after the Net

March 26 - 27, 2015 - 6:00 p.m. / Reina Sofia, Nouvel Building, Auditorium 200 and Medialab Prado

Daniel García Andújar. Not Found, 1000 casos de estudio, 2014. Courtesy of the artist

The Internet has produced new behaviours, subjectivities and institutions linked to another way of being and doing. This seminar debates how these changes throw established categories of art, the author and the circulation of unique work off balance, whilst also forming profound contradictions – from creativity as an economic value to indistinct work time. Is considering another artistic ecosystem possible from these ambiguities?

The assumption was that a transition from the author's text to hypertext would make the funeral of these modern notions possible, replacing them with a new contemporary language. With the arrival and expansion of the net, these predictions, which decades earlier were nothing more than academic speculations, could be found in the right condition to overcome the logic of individual authorship and originality, in practice. However, these desires, which had to be validated by technological displacement in the modes of producing knowledge and generating subjectivity, are today being answered in the survival and statism of a model that ignores the challenges and powers of the net. With the aim of defending the author and their originality, in some cases in a space of resistance, access, production and the circulation of knowledge in digital media, including those the museum participates in, are restricted.
