Technology and autonomy in more-than-human networks
8 January, 2024 - 15:11 by felixInfrastructure of a migratory bird. Technology and autonomy in more-than-human networks
With Gordan Savičić, at 37C3, 28.12.2023 (file source)
Infrastructure of a migratory bird. Technology and autonomy in more-than-human networks
With Gordan Savičić, at 37C3, 28.12.2023 (file source)
A semi-virtual roundtable to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the publication of the first volume of Manuel Castells' The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Castells, Professor of Sociology at the UOC, gave the opening lecture.
Update: Over at is the full video documentation of the event. Well worth the time.
Taussig, II
09.06.2018 | 55 Min. | Quelle: Deutschlandfunk Nova
Neue App, neue Smartwatch, neuer Sprachassistent - manche von uns begeistern sich für jede technische Entwicklung. Aber dann gibt es auch die anderen, die Veränderungen sehr skeptisch gegenüberstehen.
Zwei Präsentationen im Rahmen der Veranstaltung "Internet und seelische Gesundheit" (10.05.2018)
Here are the videos of all the talks and discussions at the Algorithmic Regimes and Generative Strategies - On Regulatory Politics of Code and Machines. Friday, September 25. 2015, University of Technology ViennaConference, Vienna, 25.09.2015
Algorithmic Regimes Conference Opening
Felix Stalder and Konrad Becker: Opening and Welcome
I'm very proud to announce our new conference by the World Information Institute, in cooperation with the Institute for Design & Assessment of Technology at the
My talk at the "Eindruck der Dunkelheit" conference in Berlin, Jan 25/26.2014.