Free Culture Forum Declaration
28 February, 2011 - 13:28 by felixAutonomía y control en la era de la post-privacidad
24 February, 2011 - 16:03 by felixWarum WikiLeaks noch lange interessant sein wird
22 February, 2011 - 15:19 by felixEin Kommentar im Falter, Wien (08/2011).
Die Berichterstattung zu WikiLeaks folgt einem bekannten Muster massenmedialer Aufmerksamkeit. Erst ist alles wunderbar und heldenhaft, dann plötzlich skandalös und irgendwie nervig, um schliesslich als eh-nichts-neues wieder ad acta gelegt zu werden. Auch wenn es scheint, dass wir bereits in der dritten Phase angekommen sind, wäre es falsch, jetzt einfach zur Tagesordnung zurück zu kehren.
Personal Web searching in the age of semantic capitalism: Diagnosing the mechanisms of personalisation
7 February, 2011 - 22:20 by felixI'm very happy, our new paper on the personalization of search results is out now. To our knowledge, it's the first to do empirical research in a systematic way on how personalized results actually differ from non-personalized results and interpret the results within a critical framework.
First Monday > Volume 16, Number 2 - 7 February 2011
Personal Web searching in the age of semantic capitalism: Diagnosing the mechanisms of personalisation.
Martin Feuz, Matthew Fuller, Felix StalderAbstract
TV Diskussion zu Wikileaks und Leaks im allgemeinen
24 January, 2011 - 16:56 by felixWikileaks und die Folgen: Suhrkamp Sammelband
19 January, 2011 - 23:15 by felixDer Sammelband, von Heinrich Geiselberger herausgeben, ist erschienen:
So unübersichtlich und verwirrend wie die Lawine aus Dokumenten sind die Hintergründe und Folgen von WikiLeaks: Was sind die Motive von Julian Assange? Geht es ihm um demokratische Transparenz? Oder um die »krypto-anarchistische« Weltrevolution? Wer soll all die Akten und Depeschen auswerten? Und: Welche Folgen hat die Affäre für die Politik? Erleben wir das Ende der Geheimdiplomatie oder den Anfang einer viel geheimeren Diplomatie? Die Autoren versuchen in ausführlichen Hintergrundanalysen und Kommentaren, aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln Schneisen ins diskursive Durcheinander zu schlagen, noch während hier möglicherweise Geschichte gemacht wird
Eine sehr schöne Sammlung an Texten, beileibe nicht nur wegen meines Beitrags "Wikileaks und die neue Ökologie der Nachrichtenmedien"
Pourquoi les institutions peinent à conserver leurs secrets
13 January, 2011 - 23:50 by felixCall for Papers: Ethics Of Sharing
22 December, 2010 - 12:42 by felixThe Ethics of Sharing
Call for Papers for Vol. 15 - July 2011
- Deadline for extended abstracts: January 31, 2011
- Notification of acceptance to authors: February 8, 2011
- Deadline for full articles: April 30, 2011
- Publication: July, 2011
Sharing has emerged as one of the core cultural and ethical values native to the networked environment. It is built both into the technical protocols that make up the Internet, and holds together distributed, mediated communities and
organizations (even if they try to limit sharing to members inside the organizations).
In information ethics, sharing has implicitly been discussed in terms of privacy, intellectual property, secrecy, security and freedom of speech, which together define the social character of the information environment. But recent developments such as WikiLeaks have shown that there is a need to go beyond discussing the legitimacy of access or restrictions. We need to address the motivations and ethical positions that compel people to share information, even at considerable risk to themselves. Has sharing of information a special virtue of the information society? How are choices of sharing or withholding information justified? Is sharing subversive of the new global information regime, or an integral aspect of it?
This issue of IRIE brings together contributions towards an ethics of sharing that embeds the technological potentialities in lived social experience. In our understanding, information ethics "deals with ethical questions in the field of digital production and reproduction of phenomena and processes such as the exchange, combination and use of information."
Dictionary of the Human Economy, out now!
23 November, 2010 - 18:22 by felixThe Dictionary of the Human Economy is out now. It's an amazing collection of some 30 concepts of social alternatives (see table of contents). I'm very happy that my entry on "Digital Commons" is included here.