“Digital Unconscious – Nervous Systems and Uncanny Predictions!” Autonomedia 2021: ISBN: 978-1-57027-387-2 193 Pages Eds: Konrad | Becker, Felix Stalder
In hyper-normal hybrids the boundaries between man and machine have dissolved. Inside their nervous systems lies a strange but fascinating theme: the digital unconscious. Which forces act through algorithmic processes? What secrets be found in the shadowy realm of technology, welded to human nervous systems? How can the complexity of these relationships be described and what forms of access can cultural approaches offer?
With the following chapters:
- "The Dogma of Prediction” S.M. Amadae
- “The Coming of Freudian Robots” Lydia H. Liu
- "The Digital Explosion of the Unconscious” Franco Berardi Bifo
- “Database Addiction” Graham Harwood
- “The Netweird Society” Eric Davis
- “Machines, Spirits and the Rise of Secular Occultism” Critical Art Ensemble (CAE)
- “Capitalist Subjectivity, Tinder, and the Emotionalization of the Web” Eva Illiouz
- “The ‘Known Unknowables’ of Quantification and the Paranoid Self” Felix Stalder
- “Haunted Systems and Algorithmic Terror” El Iblis Shah
- “Social Sensors – On the Epistemology of Remote Social Sensing” Katja Mayer
- “Super-Computers, Ancient Myths and Death Cults of the Noosphere” Ewen Chardronnet
- “Cyberspace and Eschatology” Cecilia Calheiros
- “The Empty Screen – A Short History of Consciousness” Peter Lamborn Wilson
- “On Lively Objects and Animated Things” Michael Taussig
Please order through your local bookstore, or directly from the publisher Autonomedia. Of course, you can also find it on Amazon (US, DE UK)