DDD - NFTs and Blockchain culture
10th of March – 6.30 pm zoom (Rome time)
Link: https://zoom.us/j/95402909513
Felix Stalder
Geraldine Juàrez
Andrea Baronchelli
10-15 mins presentations each + discussion + questions – total length: 1h/1.15 (6.30-7.30/45)
In the early days, blockchains held the promise to transform monetary systems. Nowadays, the promise is that of returning the power back into the hands of digital artists and makers, against the hierarchy of platforms. They also fuel corporate plans over the web3, and drive the hallucinatory dream of the metaverse. NFTs are indeed surging as the new building blocks of techno-driven societies, affirming the potential of a decentralised and tokenised, crypto future for digital cultures. This panel aims to offer a critical perspective on the matter by discussing the individualistic, self-entrepreneurial capitalist nihilism of NFTs and the techno-promises of a blockchain future and culture.