“Screening "Entangled Recurrents" with Q&A Felix Stalder

Public Event: Screening of “Entangled Recurrents” (52′) 2023 by Konrad Becker/Felix Stalder, World-Information Institute/t0

Fake news, disinformation, psychological warfare. The modern conceptions of truth and reality are in disarray. Categorical systems that have organized Western culture over the last 200 years, are broken up and eroded. We are confronted with all kinds of new hybrids.

Digital communication forces us to look not only at technical protocols but also at protocols of the human mind and nervous system. Over the last 30 years, artists, researchers, and activists, brought together by the Institute of New Cultural Technologies in Vienna, have explored alternative histories of media and the emergent digital (un)consciousness.

Their perspectives, seemingly marginal during times of techno-utopianism, are now critical as we are traversing new zones of monsters.

The event is followed by a Q&A with Felix Stalder

September 3rd 2024
18:30 – 20:30 CEST

TU Wien, Faculty of Informatics
FAV Hörsaal 1 Helmut Veith (Room HH EG 02)
Favoritenstraße 9-11 Ground Floor,

This screening is part of "3rd ACM Europe Digital Humanism Summer School" | detailed program.